
99designs hat eine 3.6 - Sternebewertung von 11 Bewertungen, mit dem Hinweis auf eine niedriges Niveau der Kundenzufriedenheit!

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Founded in 2008, 99designs has evolved into the leading creative platform, connecting clients in need of custom designs with talented designers worldwide. The platform's tried-and-true creative process has become a go-to solution for businesses, agencies, and individuals seeking quality design projects. With headquarters in Melbourne, Australia, and offices in Oakland and Berlin, 99designs is a global community of designers passionate about helping people create and grow through impactful design. The platform's success stems from its commitment to fostering collaboration and delivering designs that clients love, making it an essential resource in the creative industry.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Oakland, California, United States.
  • Founders: was founded by Matt Mickiewicz and Mark Harbottle.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2008.


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Engaging with 99designs has been akin
von Joseph Ajayi

Engaging with 99designs has been akin to guiding a group of novices through their tasks. Managing my logo + brand guide contest has been a regrettable endeavor, exacerbated by mistakenly checking the "Guaranteed" box. Despite promptly notifying support within an hour, their sluggish and generic responses added to the frustration. Design quality across tiers is uniformly subpar; even "Excellent" designers deliver mediocrity. The notion of crafting brands and guides seems beyond their grasp. This service is only viable for the clueless, favoring contests over competence. My 1200 euros investment yielded results inferior to a $50 Fiverr alternative. Legal recourse for a refund is under consideration.

As a business owner seeking website design
von Kristin Hollinger

As a business owner seeking website design assistance, I eagerly shared my vision and content with the assigned designer. Disappointment struck when the delayed reveal showcased a poorly executed site, resembling the work of a novice with rampant spelling errors. Requesting a refund, I faced a frustrating 6-month struggle with unresponsive customer support insisting on resolution with the designer. Eventually coerced into an $85 payment to expedite matters, I find this conduct reflects poorly on the company's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. A regrettable experience tarnished an otherwise promising venture.

I joined a logo contest hoping for
von Joey Foster Ellis

I joined a logo contest hoping for a simple experience, but it turned into a mess. The designs submitted were awful, and I spent ages giving detailed feedback, only to discover that their notification system wasn't working. This meant none of the designers knew about my critiques, and the contest ended abruptly. When I reached out to support for assistance, they offered a few extra days for free, but then they didn't respond to my follow-up. This has cost me both time and money. Learning about the notification system problem today added to the frustration. The low quality of the designs was particularly disappointing.

Perhaps this company has potential
von Anonymous

Perhaps this company has potential, but my initial encounter with 99 designs wasn't good. We picked Silver, 3-day contest, and paid for blog promotion and quick delivery. They said we'd get lots of responses from top designers. We only got 4 responses, and they were all bad. If you're new to contests, ask customer service for help or hire a designer directly. Shoutout to customer service for being helpful and fast!

I had a fast and easy experience with 99designs
von customer

I had a fast and easy experience with 99designs. While I faced some communication challenges with a few designers, likely due to a language barrier, the overall process was smooth. Some designs from different designers seemed similar, but one unique submission caught my eye, and I ultimately chose it. Despite minor hiccups, I highly recommend 99designs for its efficiency and diverse design options.

I had a good time working with this company!
von SR

I had a good time working with this company! They offer a service that lets you start a contest for an ebook cover. When you set up your contest with your needs, designers can submit various cover ideas and are willing to make adjustments to win the contest! 99Design has useful guide videos to show you what to do and what to expect!

I didn't think I'd find my dream design
von Paige R

I didn't think I'd find my dream design with such a small investment. I figured I'd need to pay over $3000 for good results. But I found my artist quickly and we nailed down my logo, bug, and slogan. I'm really pleased with how everything turned out and looking forward to what's next for my company!

I was kinda unsure 'bout tryin'
von John

I was kinda unsure 'bout tryin' this online forum thingy, but when I saw what they had to offer, I felt better. The process is easy, and the artists listen to feedback quick. They also explain what they're doin', and all wanna make sure ya get a good product.

Мені потрібно було змінити етикетку мого продукту
von Іван

Мені потрібно було змінити етикетку мого продукту, але крім кількох загальних ідей, я точно не знав, чого хочу. Можливість отримати багато чудових дизайнів від різних дизайнерів допомогла мені швидко зрозуміти, що саме мені підходить! Щиро дякую!

Подобажться новий логотип.
von Марк А.

Подобажться новий логотип. Обслуговування тут фантастичне. Файно вирішили мою проблему, коли це српавді було потрібнно.

I was given 99 Designs
von Anonymous

I was given 99 Designs by a freind and now I no why! So easy to use and just all the weay 5-Star experiance!

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