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PHD Weight Loss is a company founded by Dr. Ashley Lucas, offering a science-based approach to weight loss and wellness. The program focuses on natural, medication-free weight loss through customized meal plans and one-on-one coaching. PHD Weight Loss emphasizes metabolic wellness, inflammation reduction, and behavioral support to create sustainable transformations. The company operates through brick-and-mortar locations and a nationwide at-home program, serving clients across the United States. With a team of certified consultants and health coaches, PHD Weight Loss aims to help individuals achieve lasting weight loss and optimal health without relying on extreme diets or excessive exercise.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Asheville, North Carolina, United States.
  • Founders: was founded by Ashley Lucas.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2018.


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Your dismissal of GLP-1 medication as a "gimmick" shows a lack of understanding
von Jay Vega

Your dismissal of GLP-1 medication as a "gimmick" shows a lack of understanding. These medications are scientifically backed and help with heart disease and sleep apnea. It’s clear you prioritize profit over proper guidance, misleading people with outdated, unsustainable low-carb diets. Disparaging those who choose effective treatments shows a lack of empathy. Your approach could be harmful to those seeking genuine help, and I find it concerning that you spread misinformation. I hope you consider more up-to-date, science-based guidance in the future.

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