Bewertungsübersicht hat eine 3.2 - Sternebewertung von 6 Bewertungen, mit dem Hinweis auf eine niedriges Niveau der Kundenzufriedenheit!

5 Sterne
1 Überprüfung
4 Sterne
2 Bewertungen
3 Sterne
0 Bewertungen
2 Sterne
3 Bewertungen
1 Sterne
0 Bewertungen
Bewertung (1.0)

Über das Unternehmen

Access free online courses, programming projects, and interview prep tailored for aspiring developers. Dive into coding fundamentals and advanced topics with comprehensive courses covering a variety of languages and technologies. Practice your skills through hands-on projects designed to reinforce learning and build a strong portfolio. Prepare for developer jobs with specialized resources focusing on technical interviews and industry-specific challenges. Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up your coding expertise, these resources offer a structured pathway to success in the ever-evolving field of software development.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States.
  • Founders: was founded by Quincy Larson.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2014.


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I ain't very new to HTML but didn't try
von Lore

I ain't very new to HTML but didn't try to certify myself, till now. I stumbled upon FCC while looking for some Python courses. While the UI looked a bit clunky, I was impressed by some story and said I would give it a try. To cut it short: I was trying to pass as quickly as possible through the HTML challenge and see what was happening. I noticed the following: 1. After successfully completing without mistake the first 10 or 15 tasks, a pop-up appeared asking for a donation. It was not a nice interruption. 2. After the same amount of tasks, the same interruption. It happened like 4 times, during the first challenge. 3. The browser stopped working 4 or 5 times. 4. Everything worked a bit slower than expected. I admit I wanted to go as fast as possible... but... there were too many times when I was just waiting for the input form to be active... so that I can insert my tags., or whatever I was inserting... 5. By the last steps of the challenge (which I figured out were the last steps after some tricky thing happened/ read below) the donation pop-up appeared again. Again I pressed "ask me later"... 6. By the probably very last step of the challenge, a new pop-up appeared asking me to complete another challenge. The only active button was "start coding" and there was no other possibility the escape that form/ window... 7. I pressed "Start coding" ... a new account (like number, number, number, letter, letter, letter, something) was generated for me, I was included in a new challenge, on the new account. All my previous effort was "erased". From my IP, now I can only access the new account.

This course was a nightmare
von Angry

This course was a nightmare, filled with problems and moderators who act like mini dictators. I took it to refresh my coding skills after a break. Tasks were easy but too chopped up. At the responsive design course, I found a mistake in their answer check that marked a right answer as wrong. I tried to post about it in the forum, but automated filters flagged similar posts. I commented on one, but a moderator shut it down, insisting I make a new post. I couldn't argue or explain that the forum itself said not to post duplicates. It's like bureaucratic madness, really frustrating. This shows they can't test their own stuff or handle feedback. Avoid this program—errors like this could drive beginners crazy and turn them off coding. It's free for users, but companies use it to get free training. In the past, companies trained staff and paid them. Skip Free Code Camp; find better, more supportive places to learn where they won't shut you up with no way to respond.

I only used freeCodeCamp

I only used freeCodeCamp for 3 months to learn html and css and my experience wasn't good. The explanations are poorly written and don't explain why we need to do things. I wouldn't suggest it to beginners because of the unclear explanations. It's a big problem that the explanations are only in English and you have to use Google Translate. It's really disappointing. There's no forum for help and the advice is unclear. But the website looks nice and the sponsor bear is cute.

Da company iz preety good.
von Penny

Da company iz preety good. I thot I would get more coding stuff but it wuz okay. The teacher, Charles Severance (he calld Dr. Chuck sumtimes) seemed like he knows his stuff. He showed lotsa examples which helped. The book Python for Everybody wuz helpful too. So, overall, it's a good course for learning basic python stuff.

This website has been a huge help
von Joshua

This website has been a huge help in teaching me coding. Big thanks for teaching me most of what I know. Learned HTML, CSS, and some Javascript here, and all for free!

Loads of enjoyment
von Anonymous

Loads of enjoyment, no-cost exercises for beginners to kick off coding. Their project-oriented plan is free and aids in building a starting portfolio. Great effort!

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