
Brainety hat eine 4.3 - Sternebewertung von 3 Bewertungen, mit dem Hinweis auf eine hohes Niveau der Kundenzufriedenheit!

5 Sterne
1 Überprüfung
4 Sterne
2 Bewertungen
3 Sterne
0 Bewertungen
2 Sterne
0 Bewertungen
1 Sterne
0 Bewertungen
Bewertung (1.0)

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Brainety offers fun and engaging brain training exercises to enhance cognitive abilities. Users can boost their memory, focus, reaction, logic, and speed through various activities. The platform allows users to track their cognitive skills over time and celebrate their improvements. Brainety aims to make users smarter with just 15 minutes of daily practice. It also provides an IQ assessment to help users understand their intelligence levels.

Key Details:

  • Location: The company is headquartered in Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • Founders: was founded by Andrius Katinas.
  • Foundation Date: The company was established in the year 2021.


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The test was interestng on a tactile level
von Jeff

The test was interestng on a tactile level, and I liked the thinking needed to finish it. I feel I could have done better, not fully engaged at the start, and should have taken it more serious.

At first, it was a little hard to understand
von June

At first, it was a little hard to understand if the test pictures were supposed to go right to left or up and down. It took some time to figure it out.

It's really cool to have the opportunity
von Nancy Bryant

It's really cool to have the opportunity to challenge your mind and check if your brain is still functioning well.

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